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Entomological tour. Invertebrates of Armenia (15 days/14 nights)

Entomological tour. Invertebrates of Armenia (15 days/14 nights)

Travel dates

You may choose any travel date, convenient for you. The tour runs from May to October.


We do not require for 100% advance payment. Full payment is possible just before the start of the tour.


Tour itinerary duration and places to be visited may be adjusted to your preferences.

Low prices

We have much cheaper prices, since we offer our own services,we do not recell tours.

The ecological region of the Armenian Highlands is considered a kind of "biological melting pot". Here, in one space, natural artifacts coexist, which can no longer be found anywhere in the world. Moreover, each landscape zone of the Armenian Highland is distinguished by its special ecosystems and their fauna.

That is why the International Society for the Development of Nature has ranked the Caucasus among the 25 most abundant ecological species, and at the same time endangered "hot spots of biological diversity" of the globe. The World Wide Fund for Nature has listed the Caucasus in the Global 200 list (two hundred of the most important global regions of the world with the greatest species diversity).

This is the reason for the uniqueness of the world of invertebrates in Armenia, which includes approximately 17,000 species found. Of these, more than 316 are endemics, and about 300 are considered rare and endangered. Only diurnal butterflies here have at least 235 species.

Actually, nowhere in the world insects are thoroughly studied. Nevertheless, people tried to use invertebrates to solve some problems. With their help we successfully fought weeds in Australia when the prickly cactus opuntia accidentally delivered here instantly spread over an area of ​​about 4 ml. hectares and continued to grow further. Then the entomologists suggested launching cacti moth on the territory, the caterpillars of which drill the stems of this plant. In Australia, it was not found. Soon it was all over, as the scientists calculated. The caterpillars of this butterfly did what people could not do with the help of flame throwers and toxic chemicals, and on which huge money was spent. A similar case was in the United States, when with the help of a beetle larva it was possible to clear pastures of foreign poisonous St. John's wort, which filled millions of hectares of land. There are many similar examples. Like others, when with the help of entomologists, water bodies and lakes were cleaned of pollution, the productivity of the plant world increased.

Insects are nurses of the biosphere. Their presence is extremely important on the planet. The ancient Egyptians, who declared the scarab beetle sacred, knew that the scarab life - cleans the surface of the earth opening it to Light and Heat.

And yet, we know little about insects. We do not know how and why the May-bug flies, although according to the laws of modern aerodynamics it should not fly at all. We do not know how the larvae of the fly assimilate oil, extracting nutrients from it, how the bees orient themselves in flight guided by differently polarized light from different parts of the sky ... and much more.

The world of insects in Armenia is also not fully studied, due to the low number of populations and environmental changes in biological habitats. This, in turn, puts them at risk of extinction. Most of the invertebrates are listed in the Red Book and are rare or disappearing.

Tour operator in Armenia "" offers you a specially designed entomological tour of invertebrates in Armenia. Discover the magical world of butterflies and dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers and mollusks. And if you are lucky, you can find a species still unknown to science, and it may be called by your name.

Entomological tour in Armenia. Invertebrates (15 days/14 nights)

Day 1 - Airport - Yerevan City Tour

Meeting at the airport

Transfer and check in to the hotel

The tour will begin with a walking tour of the city. The architecture of Yerevan is original. Today Yerevan is a city in which there are various architectural styles with green alleys, numerous fountains. You will get acquainted with the sights of Yerevan: the Grand Cascade (open-air museum), the Square of France, the Opera and Ballet Theater, North Avenue, the Square of the Republic.

Day 2 - Yerevan - Goravan - Surenavan

Observation in Goravan reserve of endemic and rare species of insects.


Continuation of the entomological expedition in the vicinity of Surenavan.

Target species: C. vanbrinkae (Lohmann, 1993), Anax. ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839), Vagrant Emperor, Libellula pontica (Selys, 1887), Red Chaser, Tanyproctus vedicus, Cyphostethe semenovi (Reitter, 1895), Anisoplia reitteriana (Semenov, 1903), Pharaonus caucasicus (Retetertheree, Reitteriana, 1414). Khnzorian, 1970), Nocarodes nodosus (Mistschenko, 1951), L. macrostigma (Eversmann, 1836), Dark Spreadwing, Phytodrymadusa armeniaca (Ramme, 1939), Glaphyrus caucasicus (Kraatz, 1887), Craspedostethus permodicus, as a company, in the form of a company, and will continue to submit the form will be provided by the rest of the company, and will continue to submit the rest of the questions will be provided by the prospeattech, and will leave it. pellitula (Reitter, 1890), Sphenoptera khnzoriani (Kalashian, 1996), Laena constricta (Khnzorian, 1950), Cyphostethe semenovi (Reitter, 1895) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Surenavane.

Day 3 - Surenavan - Urtsadzor - Arpi - Gnishik

Observation of rare invertebrates around the Urtskiy ridge, descent to Arpi


The second half of the day is an entomological campaign in the outskirts of the village of Gnishik.

Target species: Onychogomphus assimilis fulvipennis (Schneider, 1845), Poecilus festivus (Chaudoir, 1868), Cardiophorus pseudogramineus (Mardjanian, 1977), Armenohelops armeniacus (Nabozology, in-laws, in-laws, in-laws, Mardjanian, 1977) Danilevsky & Miroshnikov, 1985) Coenagrion vanbrinkae (Lohmann, 1993), Papilio alexanor, Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758), Colias aurorina (Herrich-Schaffer, 1850), Colias chlorocoma (Christoph, 1888) (a), a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture, and a picture. , 1956), etc.

Dinner and overnight in Yeghegnadzor.

Day 4 - Yeghegnadzor - Sisian - Shamb

Observation of species near the Spandaryan reservoir.


Continued observation along the Shamb reservoir.

Target species: S. paedisca (Brauer, 1877) Siberian Winter Damsel, Cerambyx cerdo acuminatus Motschulsky, 1852, Phytoecia pici Reitter, 1892, Phytodrymadusa armeniaca (Ramme, 1939), Agrodiaetus ninae (Forster, 1956), Agrodiaetus turcicus (Kozak, 1977 ), Pristonychus arenicus (Kalashian, 1979), endemic clams and others.

Dinner and overnight in Sisian

Day 5 - Sisian - Goris - Kapan

Monitoring rare and endangered species of fauna.


Continued observation in the vicinity of Kapan.

Target species: Onychogomphus assimilis fulvipennis (Schneider, 1845), Cortodera kaphanica (Danilevsky in Danilevsky & Miroshnikov, 1985), Cerambyx cerdo acuminatus Motschulsky, and other interesting species.

Dinner and overnight in Kapan.

Day 6 - Kapan - Kajaran

Invertebrate observation.


Continuation of the expedition in the vicinity of Kajaran.

Target species: Cortodera kaphanica (Danilevsky in Danilevsky & Miroshnikov, 1985), Carabus (Procerus) scabrosus fallettianus (Cavazzutti, 1997), Crocothemis. servilia (Drury, 1773); Oriental Scarlet C. scitulum (Rambur, 1842); Dainty Bluet, Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1773); Slender Skimmer; Coenagrion vanbrinkae; ) etc.

Dinner and overnight in Kajaran.

Day 7 - Kajaran - Meghri - Agarak

Monitoring rare and endemic species of fauna. Of the 24 species of diurnal butterflies included in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia, 11 species are represented in the environs of the Megri Ridge: Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo, Papilio alexanor, Colias aurorina, Proterebia afra, Maculinea arion, Maculinea alcon, Plebejus christophi; Agrodiaetus neglectus. There are 7 species that are not found anywhere else in Armenia.


Continued observation in the vicinity of Meghri and the village of Agarak.

Target species: Crocothemis. servilia (Drury, 1773) Oriental Scarlet C. scitulum (Rambur, 1842) Dainty Bluet, Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1773) Slender Skimmer, Phytodrymadusa armeniaca (Ramme, 1939), Craspedostethus permodicus (Faldermann, 1835; 1890), Anthaxia superba (Abeille de Perrin, 1900), Sphaerobothris aghababiani (Volkovitsh & Kalashian, 1998), Anthaxia breviformis (Kalashian, 1988), Entomogonus amandanus (Reitter, 1901), Cortodera kaphanica (Danilev our, in-our-ac, ours, in the design of ours, ours, and atopanus (Reitter, 1901) scitulum (Rambur, 1842), Parnassius mnemosyne, Agrodiaetus neglectus (Dantchenko, 2000), and others.

Dinner and overnight in Megri.

Day 8 - Meghri - Shikakhog Nature Reserve - Kapan

Monitoring rare dragonflies, butterflies and other invertebrates.


Continuation of the study of the rich entomofauna of the Shikakhog Reserve.

Target species: Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758), Orthetrum sabina, Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842), Papilio alexanor, Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758), Colias aurorina (Herrich—Schaffer, 1850), Tomares romanovi, Agrodiaetus neglectus (Dantchenko, 2000) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Kapan.

Day 9 - Kapan - Jermuk - Catch

Transfer to Jermuk gorge, observation of rare species.


The continuation of the observation.

Target species: Poecilimonella armeniaca (Uvarov, 1921), Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842), Poecilimonella armeniaca (Uvarov, 1921), Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Jermuk.

Day 10 - Jermuk - Selim Pass - Martuni - Dilijan

Observation of the region's entomological diversity.


The continuation of the observation.

Target species: Sympecma. paedisca (Brauer, 1877), Aeshna. cyanea (Müller, 1764), gomphocerus armeniacus (uvarov, 1931) , 1758), Colias aurorina (Herrich — Schaffer, 1850), Agrodiaetus turcicus (Kozak, 1977) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Dilijan.

Day 11 - Dilijan - Parzich - Hankavan - Tsakhkadzor

Monitoring the fauna on Lake Parz. Transfer to Ankavan gorge.


Continuation of the entomological campaign.

Target species: Gomphocerus armeniacus (Uvarov, 1931), Phytodrymadusa armeniaca ( Ramme, 1939), A. cyanea (Müller, 1764) Blue Hawker, Bradyporus dilatatus (Stal, 1875), Ctenicera pectinicornis (Linnaeus, 1758),Mylabris sedilithorax (Sumakov, 1924), Cylindronotus erivanus (Reitter, 1901), Agrodiaetus turcicus (Kozak, 1977) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Tsakhkadzor.

Day 12 - Tsakhkadzor - Bjni - Arzakan - Arzni - Yerevan

Monitoring endemic and rare invertebrates.


Continuation of the entomological excursion.

Target species: P. pennipes (Pallas, 1771) Blue Featherleg , Mylabris sedilithorax (Sumakov, 1924), Cylindronotus erivanus (Reitter, 1901), Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771), Papilio alexanor, Maculinea arion, Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damonides (Staudinger, 1899) etc.

Dinner and overnight in Yerevan.

Day 13 - Yerevan - Byurakan - Lake Kari - Aragats Foothills

Observation of biological species in the vicinity of Byurakan.


Continued observation of the mountain entomological fauna.

Target species: S. paedisca (Brauer, 1877) Siberian Winter Damsel, Gomphocerus armeniacus (Uvarov, 1931), Trechus infuscatus (Chaudoir, 1850), Cylindronotus erivanus (Reitter, 1901), Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842), a template, a template, a figure, a figure, a figure, a syringe Khnzorian, 1988) and others.

Dinner and overnight in Yerevan.

Day 14 - Yerevan - Erebuni Reserve - Geghard - Garni Gorge

Monitoring the species diversity of the invertebrates of the Garni Gorge


Continuation of the tour.

Target species: Phytoecia pici (Reitter, 1892), Gomphocerus armeniacus (Uvarov, 1931), Poecilus festivus (Chaudoir, 1868), Glaphyrus caucasicus (Kraatz, 1887), Anisoplia reitteriana (Semenov, 1903), Cardiophorus pseudogramineus (Mardjanian, 1977), Sphenoptera geghardica (Kalashian & Zykov, 1994), Armenohelops armeniacus (Nabozhenko, 2002), Laena constricta (Khnzorian, 1957), Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842), Melitaea vedica (Nekrutenko, 1975), Agrodiaetus ninae (Forster, 1956)

Dinner and overnight in Yerevan

Day 15 - Yerevan - Airport

Exemption numbers

Airport transfer

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No proper tour for you?

Our web site offers few part of the wide range of our tours. If you did not find a suitable one for yourself, our managers will plan a special tour for you, according to your preferences of the duration, destinations and the quantity of the group members. Just send your application.

Prices for an entomological tour to Armenia are calculated individually, on request

Explore Armenia tour operator in Armenia offers, in accordance with requests, the organization of entomological tours on segmental topics.

Tour, expedition, expedition – Observation of Armenian butterflies

Tour, expedition, expedition – Observation of dragonflies of Armenia

Tour, expedition, expedition – Observation of beetles of Armenia

Tour, expedition, expedition – Observation of mollusks of Armenia

What is included in the tour price?

Airport-hotel-airport transfers
Accommodation in a 3* hotel
Breakfasts in the hotels, lunches & dinners at various Armenian restaurants
Entrance tickets to the historical and cultural centers
Accompanying guide service throughout the tour
Comfortable transport service
2 bottles of water per day per pax during sightseeing tours
Tourist support service over the phone

What is not included in the tour price?

Airline tickets
An entry visa (if required)
Medical insurance
Alcoholic beverages

Your attention:

You may ask for your own option of hotels (3*, 4*, 5*). Guest houses, appartments and hostels are available.The tour prices will be recalculated.

If you still have questions about the tour organization in Armenia, then it is very easy to contact us! You can order a call on the website, send an email or just SMS. We will get back to you shortly


(+374 91) 01 56 60 (Viber, Whatsapp)

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